creation podcasts: chilledlife

creation podcasts: chilledlife


Podcasts from creation

Radios: Smooth Chill

Categorias: Salud

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Living a Chilled Life is a guide to dealing with stress, presented by Chills founder Bern Leckie. The aim is to start a conversation about what makes us overstressed. Bern guides listeners to turn stressful events into laerning experiences which help them relax.

Episodios anteriores

  • 13 - Living a Chilled Life - The Big Picture 
    Mon, 04 Aug 2008
  • 12 - Living A Chilled life - How Are You? 
    Fri, 18 Jul 2008
  • 11 - Living A Chilled Life - Episode 11 
    Fri, 04 Jul 2008
  • 10 - Living a Chilled Life - One Thing Leads to Another 
    Fri, 27 Jun 2008
  • 9 - Living a Chilled Life - Time for Action 
    Fri, 20 Jun 2008
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